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7 things I like about Thunder CMS

The ThunderCMS core team did a great job, and I hope that they will continue this way. Here are 7 things I like about Thunder CMS.


  1. Thanks to dedicated dev team Thunder is regularly updated. This is very good, because we know that the code is secure and the features are improving. But of course the update process could be very tricky sometimes.
    Luckily we got an update progress page, where we can track what is updated and what isn't. Thunder also gives us instructions link to help the updating process. I think it is very cool and helps a lot!
    Thunder CMS - update progressbar
    Thunder CMS update progress

  2. The second thing what I liked, that the "pre loaded" modules are not overloaded. We get everything what we need for standard needs. We do not have to start the work to install the most popular modules, we have them simply out of the box.
    Thunder CMS - preloaded modules
    Thunder CMS - preloaded modules

  3. The third thing is Paragraphs module. It rocks it. Honestly it is one of the best module so far if we are talking about admin UX, our clients loves it. It allows a much better UX a much better content editing experience for all level of users.
  4. The fourth thing is a small feature, but it is useful. Especially useful for those who are not so familiar with Drupal. In Thunder the channels are taxonomy terms, and it is simply used for article hierarchy, as it is written in the instructions:
    Channels represent the site hierarchy. Create new and change existing channels here.

    Another small tweak is the SEO title field, what is used for generating URLs:
    The SEO Title is used for the automatic generation of the Url. It's best to put the major keywords at the beginning.

    The key thing is that you do not need to seek for best publishing scenarios, Thunder provides us with a tested way what is essentially needed for this type of websites.
  5. The fifth feature is the mobile preview. Is is a cool and easy way to check if everything is okay with your mobile or tablet view.
    Thunder CMS - Responsive view
    Thunder CMS - Responsive view

    Of course you can define devices for this mobile (responsive) preview feature.
    Thunder CMS - Responsive view config
    Thunder CMS - Responsive view config

  6. It`s worth to mention (beside other features) the Liveblog, Facebook Instant Articles, Focal Point (Images) and Blazy module. They all add a little spice and value to the whole Thunder distribution. (most of them work out of the box) 
  7. There might be a couple more interesting features, however for me the most awesome thing is that the whole Thunder CMS is actually Drupal. This is the key point!